It's Time to Start Writing Again

Hi 👋🏻, it’s been a while. My last blog post was from 2017 😬, whoops. It’s time to start writing again. Here are my thoughts on things I would like to write about.

  • What’s in my backpack? 💼
  • What’s on my desk? 🖥️ 💻
  • Wearables I use ⌚️ 🎧
  • What software do I use? 🧑🏻‍💻
  • Future Spring 🍃 presentations 📊 (two next week!)
  • Work Travel log
  • Insights into an Open Source Project maintainers routine
  • Mental health and well-being experiences (no advice or suggestions)
  • Backlog of presentations/work travel between May 2017 and August 2023

There’s plenty to write about. I’m going to set a goal of once a week and see how I do.